Contract signed, next book on the way

This morning I signed a contract with Small Beer Press, who will be publishing my second collection of short stories in either 2016 or 2017. The title is yet to be determined, but the table of contents is mostly set. It will include “The Diabolist”, “The Giant in Repose”, “The Atlas of Hell”, a revised and definitive version of “The Visible Filth”, “Skullpocket”, and two long originals: “The Spider Kings of the Moon” and “Blackberry Winter”.

I believe in not treading over the same ground too often, and in testing my own boundaries as a writer, so the stories in this book have a different flavor than those in North American Lake Monsters. While I privileged realism over the supernatural in NALM, I’m shifting my weight to the other foot for the next one. You’ll find man-eating giants, mad scientists, thieves and devil-summoners, ghouls and gardeners of ghosts, and giant lunar spiders. And although there are only seven stories in the book, most of them are 10,000 words or longer, so the book as a whole will be bigger than the first.

I’m thrilled to be working with Small Beer Press again, and grateful they’re letting me back to the table.

13 thoughts on “Contract signed, next book on the way

  1. tellmeastorymick

    Nice! Congrats, Nathan! I’m a big fan. Looking forward to this. Small Beer is a great house. By chance is Blackberry Winter a reference to the story by Robert Penn Warren? One of my favorite short stories

  2. “You’ll find man-eating giants, mad scientists, thieves and devil-summoners, ghouls and gardeners of ghosts, and giant lunar spiders.”


    Cannot wait for this, Nathan. Sounds pulpy as hell.

  3. Pingback: November newsletter: Kelly Link, Bill Nye, and The Wheel of Time Companion; publishing news; Bull Spec Turns Six; and more | Bull Spec

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